
The Tournament Director has the authority to make decisions on any matters not specifically covered by these rules & regulations.





Refunds will be made to all teams not accepted, but once accepted NO REFUNDS ARE ALLOWED.

Requests for (DROPS) withdrawals from the tournament will only be accepted from Administrators (Contact Person or Coach) listed on the team’s application for the tournament.


Refunds provided to teams that drop prior to ACCEPTANCE will be assessed a $75.00 administrative fee.


Refunds due to cancellation because of inclement weather or some other act of God will be determined as follows:


REFUND POLICY: In the event of inclement weather or other circumstances out of the Tournaments control leading to a complete cancellation of the event in which no games are played, Burbank United Soccer Club may refund a maximum of 50% of the Tournament’s registration fees.


No refund will be allowed due to forfeit of any game by any team accepted to tournament.


A. All games will be played under FIFA rules modified by US Youth Soccer and Cal South.



Teams must check-in in accordance with instructions provided with acceptance. Teams must be affiliated with FIFA and/or USSF and be affiliated with their State, Provincial or National Association. All players must have their laminated Player Passes (ID’S) and Medical Release Forms (Registration Forms).


There will be no additions to the team roster after the team registers. Player Passes (ID’S) or Medical Release Forms (Registration Forms) may be accepted later by Field Marshall but only if player is listed on the official team roster at time of registration.

At registration, a complete and signed Team Roster must be submitted by Coach or Manager who must certify that all players are FIFA and/or USSF 2017-2018 + 2018-2019 registered players.


Teams in good standing within US Youth Soccer Region IV may now travel to US Youth Soccer Sanctioned Tournaments located in all US Youth Soccer Region IV states without garnering permission through travel papers.


US Youth Soccer Region IV state associations include Alaska, Arizona, Cal North, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.


All other Teams outside the Us Youth Soccer Region IV Members are required to provide Travel Permission forms signed by their League, State, Provincial or National Association.


C. All decisions, judgments, and calls of tournament referees and Tournament Director or designated Field Marshall are final. No protests will be allowed.



Duration of preliminary games and semi-final games:

2008, 2007, 2006 games; 50 minutes

2003, 2004, 2005 games; 60 minutes 

All preliminary games and semi-final games will have a 5-minute half time.

All teams will be scheduled for at least 3 games. Check your team's schedule and the list of fields and maps. It is possible you may be playing on more than one venue.


E. Championship Games are as follows:

2008, 2007, 2006 games; 60 minutes

2003, 2004, 2005 games; 70 minutes


F. There will be 5-minute halftimes in Championship Games.



The TEN (10) point system will be used to determine 1st in each group and the wildcard selection during preliminary rounds as described below:

·         Win = 6 points 

·         Tie = 3 points 

·         Loss = 0 points 

·         Shutout = 1 point

Goals Scored = 1 point each to a maximum of 3 per game

Red Card = -1 Point

No shutout bonus shall be awarded for a 0-0 tie. Teams shall be awarded the bonus points for goals scored without regard to the outcome of the game. That is, the losing team will receive points for goals scored, and 0 points for the loss.


H. Game time is forfeit time


The team, which "wins by forfeit", shall be deemed to have won by a score of 1-0 and will receive 8 points. If at the discretion of the tournament committee a forfeit provides an unfair advantage, the tournament committee may make a bracket determination by another means so as to determine bracket placement fairly.




For brackets with wild cards, wild cards will be selected from the second place teams who have accumulated the most points. Ties on points will be broken in accordance with the rules listed below. If WC comes from bracket A, then Winner A will play Winner C, and Winner B will play WC




In the event that two or more teams are tied in points at the end of the preliminary games, the following tiebreakers shall be applied in order given until a winner is determined. While following this criteria, never revert back to the top of the list even after a team has been eliminated from the tiebreaker.

1.     Winner of head to head competition. 

2.     Net goals (goals for, minus goals against, up to a differential of 5 goals per game) 

3.     Goals against. 

4.     Most goals scored (maximum of 5 goals per game). 

5.     Most total wins

6.     Most Shutout wins 

7.     Red Cards against (Team with most will be eliminated)

8.     Yellow Cards against (Team with most will be eliminated)

9.     FIFA penalty kicks




All semi-final games ending in a tie will go directly to “Kicks from the Penalty Spot” as outlined in the FIFA Laws of the Game.




All championship games ending in a tie will go directly to “Kicks from the Penalty Spot” as outlined in the FIFA Laws of the Game.




Winner will be presented with the Burbank Classic Team Award and individual player medallions will be presented to both teams at the completion of the championship game.




1. All 2003 - 2005 teams shall consist of at least (9) players and play 11 v 11.  All 2006-2007 Teams shall consist of at least (7) players and play 9 v 9.  All 2008 Teams shall consist of at least (7) players and play 9 v 9.

2. Player Passes (ID'S) and roster will be verified upon check-in.

3. Teams must be on opposite sides of the playing field. Home team will have choice of sides. In the event of a color conflict, home team must change jerseys. Home team will supply the game ball.

4. There will be no coin toss in all-preliminary games. Home team will have choice of kick off, or goal to defend.

5. Referees have been instructed to start all games on time. No injury time will be added.


1. All 2008 Teams shall play with maximum (9) players including the Goalkeeper and play 7v7. Minimum of five (7) players.

2. Opposing players must be at least eight (8) yards from the ball on all free kicks.

3. Penalty kicks shall be ten yards from the goal line.




a. Substitution by a team shall be unlimited:

1. Substitutions may be made by both teams, with the consent of the referee, at any stoppage of play.

2. A "cautioned” (yellow carded) player (MANDATORY) at the time card is issued.

3. When a player injured on the field requires attention, they must be substituted off the field of play, if only briefly.

b. Substitution shall be made at midfield within (10) yards of the halfway line. The substitute player shall not enter the field of play until allowed by the referee and the player substituted has left the field of play.

c. Excessive substitutions resulting in confusion or delay of game are discouraged and will not be allowed by the referee.




No player will be allowed to play with an injury which could be aggravated by playing or which, in the opinion of the referee, constitutes a danger to themselves or others.


Cal South 2.4.2 “Endorse FIFA Law IV and current USSF Guides”

FIFA Law IV states, “ A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous to himself or another player (including any kind of jewelry), “)


The determination of whether a player may play or not will be made by the referee in accordance with FIFA Law IV

Shin guards are mandatory for all players.


Q. Sportsmanship and Standard of Play


A committee has been established to handle all disciplinary matters pertaining to this tournament. The following is a brief outline of what will be expected of all players and coaches who participate in this year's tournament. If you need any assistance, contact the Field Marshal at your field.


1. All players and coaches will be expected to demonstrate the highest standard of sportsmanship throughout the tournament.

2. A player shall be registered on one team only that is participating in the tournament. Any player(s)/team(s) violating this rule will forfeit all their games and will not be able to participate in the remainder of the tournament.

3. Any player given a SEND OFF (red card), or any coach EJECTED from a game will not be permitted to participate in the remainder of the game in progress, and will not be able to participate in at least the teams next scheduled game. The Disciplinary Committee will decide if there will be any additional game suspensions. This committee will have complete authority to decide, after the initial game, the number of games a player or coach will be suspended for each SEND OFF offense. A referee report (written or verbal) will be used whenever possible to help determine final conclusions. These judgments will be made after reviewing the severity of the offense for which the red card was given and the decision will be final.

4. One point will be deducted for each SEND OFF (red card) received. A team may be assessed negative points for a game if appropriate.

5. All coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players, parents, and friends while the team is at the tournament, both off the field as well as on the field.

6. No alcoholic beverages shall be permitted in the immediate vicinity of the playing site. No person shall be permitted to appear on, or in the vicinity of, the playing site in an intoxicated condition. Breaking the law is under the jurisdiction of the Burbank Police Department, not the tournament management team.

All yellow card, red card ejections, and other disciplinary actions involving players, coaches, spectators or team will be reported to the appropriate state association(s).


Special Rules

In the event of an unusual event that results in a significant loss of game time, the lost game time may be rescheduled at the discretion of the Tournament Co-Directors. The rescheduling of the lost game time is subject to field availability.

An example of an unusual event would be a major injury to a player, which prevented the use of the playing field. The Tournament defines a significant loss of game time as more than half of the game. An accumulation of time delays due to minor/moderate injuries to several players would not constitute an unusual event nor will these delays be considered lost game time. An accumulation of time delays resulting from the normal course of a game will not be considered lost game time.


Tournament Directory/Site Manager may shorten games as necessary to make sure all matches scheduled on a given field are played. For example, a field running behind schedule due to an injury may have all remaining games shortened by few minutes each game so that each game gets played.


Tournament Director or referee may suspend any match or tournament in consideration of safety to players or damage to fields in event of inclement weather under any circumstances.