RULES OF PLAY Except as otherwise provided herein are in line with the rules of US CLUB and FIFA “Laws of the Game”.
Age: The age groups for this tournament shall be in accordance with the USSFage groups for the current seasonal year.
Registration: All players must be currently registered with their respective USSF National Affiliate. Travel forms may be required based on your national affiliation requirements.
Tournament Participants: All teams must abide by the US Club Soccer policies, rules, and regulations and are subject to their disciplinary actions.
Team Rosters:
Teams shall have no more than 22 rostered players in U15-U19 age groups. Players may be dual rostered as long as they are in different divisions
Teams shall have no more than 18 rostered players in U13-U14 age groups. Players may be dual rostered as long as they are in different divisions
Teams shall have no more than 15 rostered players in U11-U12 age groups. Players may be dual rostered as long as they are in different divisions
Teams shall have no more than 12 rostered players in U9-U10 age groups. Players may be dual rostered as long as they are in different divisions
Teams shall have no more than 8 rostered players in U7-U8 age groups. Players may be dual rostered as long as they are in different divisions
Teams may have a max of 5 of guest players unless approved by the tournament committee.
Proof of Age: All players and coaches must have current USSF National affiliation (i.e. US Club or USYS) Player ID cards (can be physical or digital). No ID cards will mean the player is not eligible to play.
Division/Bracketing Process: The primary objective of bracketing is to place teams in brackets such that the resulting bracket becomes the most competitive bracket possible for all teams in all brackets. After applications are received, the tournament committee will review all division requests and establish the most competitive brackets. Any additional changes will be subject to approval by the tournament committee. Once a division is scheduled, there will be no bracket changes.
Division/Bracketing Criteria:
Requested division provided in the application
The number of teams in a divisions for the age group.
Team history found in youth soccer rankings and gotsoccer rankings.
Every effort will be made to place multiple teams from the same club in different divisions.
Every effort will be made to create divisions to allow clubs to play different teams from around the region versus playing the same teams they traditionally play locally.
Team history found in our previous tournaments.
Team history against teams within the division based upon previous performance.
For teams which have little to no history will be randomly bracketed, but every effort will be made to place multiple teams from the same club in different divisions, and the requested division will be strongly considered.
Team Acceptances: In the event the tournament is a sell out, teams will be accepted using the following criteria:
Date of application and payment received. Teams that submit payments after the deadline will be placed on a waiting list.
Travel accommodations status
Team/club history and participation in previous TSC events
Geographic balance
Club affiliation
All teams must have their official rosters from TGS for this specific event, National Affiliation ID cards, travel permission (where required), guest player forms (where required).
Game check-in will be done at the field by the referee prior to each game.
Showcase will be a round-robin format only (3 games). The length of games for each age group shall be as follows:
Age Bracket Game Times Format
U 15-19 (Showcase) Two 40-minute halves 11v11
U 13-14 (Friendship) Two 30-minute halves 11v11
U 11-12 (Friendship) Two 30-minute halves 9v9
U 9-10 (Friendship) Two 25-minute halves 7v7
U 8 (Friendship) Two 20-minute halves 4v4
Halftime periods shall be a maximum of five (5) minutes.
Tie Breaker Information: The following criteria used for a team to advance:
Head to Head
Goal Differential
Goals For
Goals Against
Semi-finals and Finals: There are semi-finals and finals for U7-U14 ONLY.
Unfinished Games: If the referee terminates a game and neither team is at fault, it shall be considered a completed game if the first half has been completed.
IMPORTANT: The game clock will not be stopped because of injury to any player unless, at the discretion of the referee, if the injured player must be removed from the field by medical personnel. In case of extremely hot or humid conditions water breaks may be designated by the tournament director. Due to the time allowed for the completion of all games, the clock must run continuously.
Inclement Weather/Field Conditions: In the event of inclement weather, the tournament committee reserves the right to modify all tournament rules in order to safely and fairly end the tournament successfully. Games may be shortened or eliminated in case of inclement weather or unplayable field conditions. Coaches are asked to be patient and remain flexible – changing the format of the tournament is a major undertaking.
The Tournament Director has the authority to temporarily suspend play due to unsafe weather conditions. Teams should remain (safely in cars or under shelter) in the vicinity for game resumption. If lightning is sighted, the tournament director will immediately suspend play and clear the field. Play will resume after 25 consecutive minutes of no lightning.
* NO refunds are given once teams have been accepted.
U7-U8 Age divisions will use a one-person referee system. U9-U19 Age divisions will use a three-person referee system. The Tournament Committee shall have the right to select a club linesperson from a team if necessary.
Each team’s jersey/shorts must be all the same color, and they must be numbered (no duplicate numbers)
HOME team will wear light colored jersey. VISITOR will wear dark color jersey. The home team is responsible for changing jerseys in case of color duplication. The home team is the first team listed in the schedule.
Shinguards are required for all players.
Goalkeepers are allowed to wear headgear
Casts must be completely covered with at least two (2) inches of foam padding and totally wrapped with an elastic bandage and approved by the head referee of each game. Any player playing with a cast must have a written release from a doctor.
In the interest of safety, any player sustaining an open wound MUST be removed from the field of play immediately. The player may be substituted at this time. Such players are not allowed to return to the field until any wounds are treated, bandaged, and all blood is removed from their uniforms.
Substitutions: Substitutions shall be unlimited and may be made with the consent of the referee at any stoppage.
Points will be awarded as follows:
3 points for a win
1 points for a tie
0 points for a loss
A forfeit will be declared if a team fails to report 10 minutes before the scheduled game time with at least seven (7) rostered players. For U-12 and younger, at least five (5) players shall be required to start the game.
Any team that quits the field of play before the conclusion of the game will forfeit the game and is subject to disqualification in the tournament at the discretion of the Tournament Committee.
A team that forfeits a game for any reason will not advance.
When the situation warrants, the Tournament Committee can declare a double forfeit to both teams with no points scored for the game. This could be done in the case of unsportsmanlike behavior by both teams, etc.
A team that forfeits or drops from the tournament will receive a 0-3 loss to the other team with full points given. Any team that drops after the team acceptance will be placed in bad-standing with the tournament and will be reported to their appropriate National and/or State Association. NO refunds will be given to teams who drop after the team acceptance notifications have been sent.
In the Showcase format, no protests will be accepted and the referee’s decisions will be considered final.
In the tournament format, protests will be reviewed by the tournament committee and a ruling shall be issued and considered final.
An individual may receive more than a one-game suspension (i.e. if for violent conduct/fighting). A substitution will be permitted for an ejected player in “showcase” games U15-19). An ejected player in a showcase game must be suspended from that game. However, that player may participate in the next scheduled “showcase” game (unless the incident was for violent conduct/fighting).
If a coach or team official is ejected from a game, from the point of ejection until the period of suspension is satisfied, the suspended individual must remain out of sight or sound of the playing field. The “sight and sound” rule may be invoked in the case of an ejected player, at the discretion of the referee or the Tournament Committee. At minimum, an ejected player must leave the player/bench are of the field and must remain silent for the duration of the game.
The referees may suspend play when necessary due to spectator interference until the individual(s) creating the disturbance leaves the playing area (minimum of 100 yards from the field). Said individual(s) shall remain silent for the duration of the game. Failure to observe this rule may result in forfeiture of the game as well as further disciplinary action.
The Tournament Committee shall determine any matter not provided for in the tournament rules. In addition, the Tournament Committee may amend the tournament rules when, in its judgment, the amendment will be beneficial to the conduct of the tournament. The decision of the Tournament Committee shall be final.