This tournament shall be played under F.I.F.A. rules, as modified by the Players Cup Committee, for youth competition. All games will adhere to the rules set forth with the following additions/clarifications:
Decisions relating to the interpretation of the Tournament Rules can only be made by the Tournament Director. Tournament Director may delegate authority to Site Manager or Field Marshall if the Tournament Director is not present at game site. Disputes relating to the interpretation of these rules will be resolved with the administrators/coaches that are registered with the involved team(s). Individuals may not represent a team if not registered as an administrator/coach with the involved team(s). All decisions, judgments, and calls of tournament referees and Tournament Director or designated Field Marshall are final. No protests will be allowed.
Teams will play in age brackets for 2016-2017 season. Teams must be affiliated with FIFA and/or USSF and players and coaches must have laminated cards with photos.
Unlimited loan players will be permitted.
Teams will register at the field of their 1st game one hour before the game’s scheduled kickoff time.
There will be no additions to the team roster after the team checks in. Player cards or medical releases may be accepted later by Field Marshall but only if player is listed on the official team roster at time of the team’s first check-in.
At registration, a completed and signed Team Roster must be submitted by the Coach or Manager who must certify that all players are FIFA and/or USSF registered players. We do accept AYSO Credentials.
Laminated player cards with photo and the player's signature (for States or Countries that require signatures, photos and/or laminated cards for identification) and medical release forms will be required at registration.
Any team withdrawing after August 1, will receive no refund. Any team withdrawing before August 1, will receive a refund minus $100 processing fee.
With the exception of the team’s 1st check-in, all teams will check-in one hour prior to game time at game site. Referees will collect the player passes prior to the game and will return them to the team manager. It is the responsibility of the team manager to make sure the player passes are returned. The Coach or Team Administrator will hold Medical Release forms. The Field Marshall will collect the match cards, which must be signed by the Coach or Team Administrator. It is the responsibility of the Team Administrator to sign the match card after each game to verify the score is correct.
The following rules of conduct apply:
All coaches have complete responsibility for the conduct of their players, bench, friends, and spectators at all times. If in the opinion of game officials, a game must be terminated for misconduct of players, bench or spectators, the offending team can be suspended from further play and forfeit that game and all remaining games. In this event, all previous points earned remain as played. Any player or coach ordered from the field of play (RED CARD) will not be allowed to participate in the next match as a minimum and if violent conduct occurs the player or coach may be ejected for remainder of the tournament at discretion of Tournament Director. If two YELLOW cards are issued during a match, player shall be ejected for remainder of the match and may serve a one game suspension at the discretion of the Tournament Director. Disciplinary measures imposed by this tournament organization for inappropriate behavior shall be limited to placing restrictions upon an individual player, coach, and spectator or team's participation in the tournament. Such disciplinary action will be as determined by and at the discretion of the Tournament Director or designated Field Marshall and can include exclusion from further tournament participation. Any cards issued will be reported to US Club and USYS in a tournament report and thereby to the home club/league of the player, coach, team or supporters involved except that all matters involving a referee assault shall, in accordance with USSF Rule II08, be referred immediately to USYS and US Club Soccer. The home state association and the home club/league of the player, coach, team or supporters shall, except in the case of referee assault, have the responsibility for imposing, should the circumstances warrant, additional sanctions within their respective jurisdictions with regard to matters arising from the tournament.
All players are required to use shin guards at all times. No shin guards - No play!
It’s the referee coordinator’s sole decision to allow cast of any kind to be allowed.
No player may compete in the Tournament on more than one team.
Competition Format:
Home teams are listed first and will choose sides in case of a conflict. The home team will change jerseys in case of a color conflict.
All games will begin on time. A forfeit will be declared if a team cannot field a minimum of seven (7) players for U12 thru U19 and (5) players for U8 thru U11.
Preliminary round game times may be varied by Field Marshall to maintain game start schedules. These games may end in a tie. Teams will be grouped into divisions according to age and gender and will play all their games within their assigned divisions.
Teams/players will compete based on 2016/2017 birth year
All teams will be scheduled to play a minimum of 3 games unless the scheduled games are shortened or canceled due to rain, unforeseen circumstances such as critical injury or acts of God
The Tournament reserves the right to alter the game formats to enhance competition and to improve the overall quality of the Tournament. Semifinal games (if any) ending in a tie, after regulation time, will go immediately to F.I.F.A. kicks from the penalty mark to determine the winner (special goal at site may be used for PKs). All games with the exception of Finals will consist of the following periods:
U8-U10 25 minute halves
U11-U19 30 minute halves
Championship games: Championship games ending in a tie after regulation time,will have two five (5) minute overtime periods. If still tied, teams will go to F.I.F.A. kicks from the penalty mark to determine the winner (special goal at site may be used for PKs). All championship games will consist of the following periods:
U8-U10 25 minute halves
U11-U13 30 minute halves
U14-U19 35 minute halves
In case of inclement weather or field conditions, games may:
- Be shortened
- Go to F.I.F.A. kicks from the penalty mark to determine the winner
- Be cancelled
The following point system will be used to determine 1st in each group and the wildcard selection during preliminary rounds: Three (3) points for each win One (1) points for each tie (to include 0-0 ties). Zero (0) points for each loss. A forfeit is a 1-0 win. At the end of each game, the Coach or Team Administrator must carefully review and sign the score card. Coach or Team Administrator should review the Players Cup website to verify scores properly recorded and contact Field Marshal and/or Tournament Director immediately of any possible errors. The score card is official match record and may not be changed except under the following circumstances:
Score Corrections:
If Coaches/Team Administrators of both teams, meet with Field Marshal and agree to a score correction, the Field Marshal will correct the score and other records accordingly.
If Referee verifies incorrect score was recorded, Field Marshal (with Tournaments Director’s approval) may correct score and other records accordingly.
Scores incorrectly posted on Website shall be investigated by Field Marshall by checking original match record and corrected accordingly.
Red Card Corrections:
If Referee verifies incorrect player was recorded as receiving Red Card (includes double Yellow), Field Marshal (with Tournament Director’s approval) may correct records accordingly.
Tie Breakers and Wildcards:
In the event of a tie on point totals within any Bracket or for Wildcard, the following tie breaking system will apply:
1. Head to Head: in case of a three way tie, head to head is never used and move directly to tie breaker number 2.
2. Goal Differential, total all goals scored minus total all goals allowed against.
3. Goals Allowed.
4. Goals Scored.
F.I.F.A. kicks from the penalty mark will be scheduled 30 minutes prior to next match at match site unless otherwise mutually agreed by both Coaches or Team Administrators. Special goal may be used.
Semi-finals: straight to PKs
Championship games: Championship games ending in a tie after regulation time,will have two five (5) minute overtime periods. If still tied, teams will go to F.I.F.A. kicks from the penalty mark to determine the winner (special goal at site may be used for PKs).
Substitution shall be allowed at the following times: Pursuant to current FIFA Rules.
FIFA’s rules specify that the following substitution rule must be included: A player may be substituted on at a stoppage of play with the permission of the referee; otherwise substitutions may be made at any stoppage only with the permission of the referee,
Special Rules:
In the event of an unusual event that results in a significant loss of game time, the lost game time may be rescheduled at the discretion of the Tournament Co-Directors. The rescheduling of the lost game time is subject to field availability. An example of an unusual event would be a major injury to a player, which prevented the use of the playing field. The Tournament defines a significant loss of game time as more than half of the game. An accumulation of time delays due to minor/moderate injuries to several players would not constitute an unusual event nor will these delays be considered lost game time. An accumulation of time delays resulting from the normal course of a game will not be considered lost game time. Tournament Directory/Site Manager may shorten games as necessary to make sure all matches scheduled on a given field are played. For example, a field running behind schedule due to an injury may have all remaining games shortened by few minutes each game so that each game gets played.
Tournament Director or referee may suspend any match or tournament in consideration of safety to players or damage to fields in event of inclement whether under any circumstances.
Partial refunds for cancelled or suspended games will be considered by the Tournament Committee to determine the extent of a refund. No refund will be allowed due to forfeit of any game by any team accepted to tournament.
Any team that withdraws from the Tournament after the team has been accepted will not receive a refund of any kind.
Application to the PLAYERS CUP does not mean automatic acceptance into the PLAYERS CUP. Each team accepted will be sent an email notifying the team of its' acceptance into the PLAYERS CUP.